Home » 5 Videos That Will Change Your Mind About Inclusive Education
Not sure where you stand on inclusive education, but honestly, it doesn’t matter. I could’ve just called this post “No, Really, I’m Not Making It Up, Inclusive Education Works!” Whenever I talk to folks who are unfamiliar with the idea of having students with disabilities in general education, they say they’re having trouble wrapping their heads around it, and they want to see what it actually looks like. So, for those of you who need to see it to believe it, I’ve picked out five videos that’ll change your mind about whether inclusive education is a good thing or not. Or at least, they should.
Including Issac
Including Issac is a 13-minute video about a boy with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) and his story of inclusion in a private Christian school in Michigan. It takes commitment from a school on all levels to make inclusive education work for students with significant disabilities and this a clear example of how coming together for the benefit of one student can benefit all students. Watch this beautifully filmed and powerful video.
Inclusion Project: Damian
This video was made by the Georgia Department of Education (2011) to highlight a pilot inclusive education program for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities in cooperation with Cobb County Schools. Check out the follow-up video to see how Damian progressed through his 4th-grade year (from 2014).
Thasya Lumingkewas, 8, has autism and thrives at Maple Wood Elementary School in Somersworth, NH. The school has implemented Response to Intervention (RtI), Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). This film highlights the power of presuming competence, differentiated instruction and augmentative and alternative communication.
Tana Vogele’s Story
Every year since Kindergarten, Tana Vogele has been included in general education classrooms despite her significant physical and intellectual disabilities. Watch this compelling video about the friendships that have been nurtured during her 4th grade year and what inclusion does to a classroom and school community.
This short film showcases Axel Cortes, a nonspeaking fifth-grader on the autism spectrum who, with the help of AAC, UDL, RtI, visual schedules, and positive behavioral supports, was able to learn 5th grade curriculum in a general education classroom within a few months at Idelhurst Elementary School in Somersworth, NH. The video shows how Axel accesses his environment via Augmentative and Alternative Communication and how his classmates accept him into their community.
Sometimes we need to see examples of inclusion to really understand that it is possible and happening all over the world. Perhaps you are the one who can influence your local school to implement inclusive practices.
Tim Villegas is the Director of Communications for the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education. He is also the founder of Think Inclusive, which is the blog, podcast, and social media handle of MCIE. He has 16 years of experience in public education as a teacher and district support specialist. His focus now is on how media and communications can promote inclusive education for all learners.