Zachary Fenell | The Cerebral Palsy Vigilante
Today we have speaker, marathoner, and author of two books, Zachary Fenell. The first, Off-Balanced, a memoir about what it was like growing up and living with Cerebral Palsy as well as a Rock Realities, a compilation of 13 interviews he did with indie and alternative rock musicians. We discuss his most recent endeavor, completing […]
John Spencer | Student Engagement
Today we have John Spencer, speaker, and author of Empower and Launch, entertaining and practical books that help us to rethink how we deliver content and engage students in the learning process. We talk about what it looks like to help students own their learning, including students with disabilities. This episode’s transcript can be found […]
The Lion League: Changing How Schools Build Inclusion
About the Guest(s): Arielle Hobbs is the founder of The Lion League, a nonprofit organization that focuses on promoting inclusion in schools. She is a passionate advocate for inclusive education and has dedicated her work to creating a curriculum that teaches students how to be more inclusive with their disabled peers. Arielle is a thinker […]
The Power of Inclusion: A Conversation with Emily Ladau and Kyle Khachadurian
About the Guest(s): Emily Ladau: Emily is a passionate disability rights activist, public speaker, writer, and digital communications consultant. She is the editor-in-chief of a blog for an organization called Rooted in Rights and has worked on various projects related to disability accessibility. Emily believes in making ideas and concepts readily accessible to people with […]
Inclusion, Exclusion, Segregation, and Integration: How are they different?
Explore the power of social media and how a single image can have different interpretations. We also discuss the United Nations' definitions of inclusion, exclusion, segregation, and integration, and how they differ from current practices in most school districts in the United States.
Autistic Self Advocacy Network: Shifting from Awareness to Acceptance
About the Guest(s): Julia Bascom is the Executive Director at the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN). She has extensive experience in disability rights advocacy and has served on various boards and councils related to disability equality. Julia is autistic herself and is dedicated to promoting the rights and inclusion of autistic individuals. Episode Summary: In […]
Why Person-First Language Doesn’t Always Put the Person First
By Emily Ladau I vividly remember the first time I learned about person-first language (PFL). I was listening to a professor of special education speak to a group of students on disability “etiquette.” He handed out a sheet with rules on how to address or refer to a person if they had a disability. While […]
Preparing Teachers for Special Education: Insights from Educators and Authors
About the Guest(s): Audri Gomez has been in the field of special education since 2000. She has worked as a resource specialist and in self-contained classrooms in the K-12 setting for the Newport Mesa Unified School District. Currently, she is an adjunct professor for the Department of Special Education at Chapman University. Aja McKee has […]
Disability Studies and the Future of Special Education
Today you will hear two edited interviews that I did from almost a year ago. The first is with Audri Gomez and Aja McKee, educators that have had experience in the classroom as well in teacher training. They give a unique perspective on how we can prepare teachers who are about to enter into the field […]
Understanding Alternate Assessment with Debbie Taub
About the Guest(s): Debbie Taub is the Director of Research at Keystone Alternate Assessment. With a background as a classroom teacher and school forms specialist, she has extensive experience in designing, implementing, and evaluating alternate assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Debbie has contributed to the field of educating children with complex needs through […]