MCIE Resources

Specially Designed Instruction and More

The terms accommodation and modification are often confused; one is a support to enable access to the curriculum and the other is a change to instruction. Often overlooked is “specially designed instruction” and how to provide it in general education settings. This document is a brief guide to the definitions of various services that are part of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for a child with a disability.

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21st Century Functional Life Skills

In this document, we provide the historical context for educating children and youth with extensive support needs and how we have moved into a new understanding of what truly “functional” life skills are for any person, including a checklist to identify if skills are “functional” for a child or youth with an Individualized Education Program.

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Making Action Plans (MAPs)

When students have been in separate special education classes, are moving from elementary to middle or high school, or are finding success in general education settings to be a challenge, this document provides a process that helps create vision, identify support needs, and rally the team to take action.

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MCIE Staff Survey

This 25-item survey is a tool for assessing staff attitudes and beliefs about including students with disabilities in general education classes in their neighborhood school. If you would like MCIE to send a link for an electronic survey to take online, contact Carol Quirk at

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